We're in the Happiness BusinessWe love what we do! Even though the work is hard, labor intensive and at times mentally difficult, the finale of any of our projects is the best part. We get to see the overwhelming joy of children, parents and grandparents when the kids are finally cut loose and get to play. There is a sense of pride that goes along with that slice of happiness on our day to day adventures that makes the hard work worth it.
Complete Services for Backyard Play Equipment
Playset Installations and Assemblies
Some Assembly Required?If you're here, it's likely you have a pile of bolts, lumber, and a set of instructions waiting for you while you read this. Alongside the chaos that is to become a swingset, your children are desperately asking when they can play. The vein protruding from your forehead will provide more than enough entertainment for the kiddos' while you tackle this project.
Backyard Play Equipment Relocation, Moves, and Removals
We've been moving backyard swing sets for almost two decades. It's surprising how many swingsets are left behind because the movers won't move it, the task is too great or no one is available to do the job. We also provide installation or assembly of equipment moved from other areas of the country, sometimes with nothing more than a photo of the original play equipment for reference to rebuild.
Swingset Consultations and Good Advice
Our playset technicians are specifically trained to inspect and evaluate wooden backyard play systems for safety, durability, and functionality. Unlike a salesman representing a specific company, our experienced techs are trained to work for you. We offer an unbiased opinion for $300. If you use our service for repairs, upgrades, moves, etc., we'll apply $100 of the consultation to the service price.
Playground Preventive MaintenanceWe offer complete playset maintenance. Our maintenance service consist of an inspection to determine if any repairs are necessary and a complete tightening of all components of the play system. We then pressure wash the wood to remove oxidized sealants and particulates. This insures maximum penetration of the new sealant and reduces the time spans between re-sealing. We allow the wood to dry for a few days before applying a fresh coat of oil based sealant.
Swing Set Add-ons
Fall Zones, Plastic Borders
Things to think about before you hire a playset installer
- Do they have a website? In the 21st century, what real business doesn't?
- Beware of swingset installers who don't list a phone number or an e-mail address in their ad. Where will they be next month or next year?
- Believe it or not finding the cheapest deal isn't always the best thing. Beware of installers who don't charge enough. They could be hard up for cash and don't care what happens after they're paid. Playset installation is always a mental challenge and hard work. A professional will know their value.