Playset Repairs and Add-ons
It's common for parents to buy a smaller swingset made for a toddler and later realize their little rug crawler is a rock climber. When this happens, the first instinct might be to get rid of it and get a bigger one. Why not update the old playset with age appropriate upgrades?
Maybe the family playset is looking like it's time for retirement or possibly a huge tree fell on it during a hurricane, like the one to the left, and it looks more like firewood than a swingset. While we can't save them all, even as bad as this one looks, we were able to save it. Repairs and add-ons are our speciality. Due to the overwhelming variety of swingsets and options, it's best to call and schedule a consultation for any type of repair or upgrade. We offer an experienced onsite opinion for $300. If you use any of our service for repairs, upgrades, moves, etc., we'll apply $100 of the consultation to the service expense. Our playset technicians are specifically trained to inspect and evaluate wooden backyard play systems for safety, durability, and functionality. |